Monday, October 27, 2008

Commiting Minds to Challenge, Hearts to Success, and Lives to the Admitance of a "Good College"

After discussing the topic in class, I found that I was forced to analyze my own opinon on the intentions of New Trier High School. What kind of institution is New Trier?...well to answer this question, I have to say that I do believe that New Trier wishes to give thier students more than just good grades that will carry them into a "good" college. The problem is, our competitive society has taught us that the true focus is the good grades, transcripts, and colleges. In all honesty, everything that I do at New Trier and outside of New Trier, as well, is for my transcript. I am involved in various extra-curricular activites that I do purely as aids to get into what is believed to be a "good college". I admit that some of these activities add nothing to my personal happiness but the idea that, someday, (God-knows-when) I reach success-whatever it may be. Although I believe that this instituion did have the primary intentions of "commiting minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion and lives to the service of humanity," I do not think that that is still the case, today. But is this a bad thing? No. New Trier's job is to get us ready for the "real world", in my opinon, and it is doing just that. It is pressuring us and challenging us to push ourselves to the fullest of our capabilities, and this is exactly what we are going to face in college and beyond.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I was eight years old, and, in theory, old enough to know that hitting my brother was not okay. Though, I did it anyway even after my mother had blatently told me not to. Of course, I was caught in the action and reprimanded immediatly. But my mother did not hit me to teach me that it is not okay to hit people because that would not be successfull, and, in essence, this is exactly what our country is doing with Guantamo Bay. We capture our enemies and put them in a caged torture chambre so that we can do to them what they did to get themselves into the prison in the first place. Sounds stupid, right? One might argue that they should get a "taste of their own medecine" but what are we teaching people by doing to the criminals what we do not want people to do? I am not arguing, here, that it is our job as a country to teach the criminals of the world about right and wrong becuase it is not. But it is our job to represent ourselves well, and if it is thought that Guantanamo Bay fulfills that duty, then goodbye, USA. Plain and simple: we are stooping to an extremely-low level. I do not understand how we, as a country, can lock people up for the terrible crimes that they have commited, and then commit the same crime against them.

As punishment for my own eight-year old crime, I was sent to my room, to think my actions over. I was not reprimanded with the same wrong that, I, myself commited. That would have been a crime, in and of itself.

Idealism in the Limelight

Pragmatist or idealist?

When seeing these two words in correspondance with each other, my mind places a halo above the word "idealist", and a pair of devil's horns above the word "pragmatic". Why? I am unexplainably draw to the idea of being an idealist and where this habit originated from, I could not tell you. In evaluating my own personality, opinions, ideas, and actions, I admit to the world that I AM A PRAGMATIST! There, I said it. But why do I feel so guilty? I feel as if I am admitting to terroristic acts, or criminality. I am not an idealist and I never will be. But there is something so free and beautiful about idealism; it draws me in. Why is it that pragmatism has been swept under the carpet and picked from everyone's garden like a weed? How can we put idealism in the spotlight and ignore the issues that our world is dealing with? We cannot keep looking past our problems with idealistic views, in search of a world that we cannot even find. I do not doubt the possibility of something beyond the life that we are living but putting our focus on that is not helping our lives go any smoother. Our society has idealism on the throne and it is, clearly, not working. Our economy is failing and we need to wake up and smell the coffee! I think that if pragmatism can become more predominant, then our persuit for happiness can be more successfull.

I guess that this, alone, is a pragmatic piece of writting. My guilt remains stagnant.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Is it possible that our potential future vice president is racially biased? One would hope that after all that our country has learned from past mistakes, we would not have to even address this question. I, as well, have hoped that but I am beginning to think that Senetor Sarah Palin, the Republican Party's running Vice President is using her skin color to over power Obama. A recent news article that I read at, discusses Palin and her claim that Senetor Barrack Obama has been "palling around with terrorists". She accusses him and then makes a statement that I see to be quite questionable. She argues, "this is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America". She is implying that she knows how American citizens see their country and that she sees it the same way. It seems that she is implying that Obama is some sort of foreigner/outsider with a alienated view of our country, and it just so happens that Obama is of a different race than the stereotypical "American". Palin is using her "American" appearance as a way to reel-in voters. According to the article, "donors on a greeting line had encouraged her and McCain to get tougher on Obama" but it looks like she is only going to hurt her own campaign with this one.

Although I do not agree with Palin's attempts to win over the crowd, and her claim that Obama is involved with terrorists, I must, shortly, note upon on Obama's corrupted view on Foreign Policy issues. He thinks he is going to be able to solve all of the issues that our country has by sitting down with the ruthless leaders of some of the most corrupted countries in the world, by talking with them? By doing this, he would be giving them a chance to justify their wrong-doings. Why should that ever be allowed? He thinks he can convince the leader of Iran to stop nuclear weaponry. Obama is more focused on global warming issues than he is about our conflicts with the Middle East. Obama seems to be a little too non-chalant in this area, for me. Other than that, i think his motivations and intentions are going to take him very far in the upcoming election.