Sunday, November 2, 2008

"We can't take care of our own people"

"We can't take care of our own people" says a healthcare needer who waits along with the hundreds of other people, outside of a free healthcare clinic, hoping to be admitted. Many people travel hundreds of miles each day to get their only yearly treatment, but many of them are turned away without any treatment at all. Our nation is suffering because of our economic crisis and though not all of us are exposed to the direct effects, they are still taking place and many people are being denied the medical treatment that our country supposedly gives everyone. The U.S.A. is known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world and, yet, millions of people cannot maintain a proper health due to lack of money and medicare.
At seventeen, I am not yet old enough to vote but if I were, the struggles of this economic crisis would majorly effect my vote. In most cases I do not believe in raising taxes in order to help support people who need money. I think that the only way for our society to survive is if we have a minority, as bad as this may sound. In my opinion, financial equality is impossible with the way our world is set up. After reading this news article (link below) and watching this short film (link below), I have come to realize that it is not about keeping things the way they are, but it is important that we keep our country's pride. We need to help these people who are in need of medicine and treatment and in that we can give our counrty hope for the future. We need to dig ourselves out of the hole that our falling economy has put us in and we need to do it for the people who are suffering the most.
Here is an interesting short movie/news report that I found:

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