Sunday, December 14, 2008

So-Called "Governer"

Just this past week, Illinois' so-called "Governer", Rod Blagojevich, was arrested for attempting to sell Barack Obama's senate seat postition to the highest bidder. Illinois continues to prove its corruptness. The person who was supposedly working to make our state a better and more succesful place, cares more about the money that it can offer him than the people that live in it. This disgusts me! But what I am wondering the most is what this will mean for our newly elected President, Barack Obama and our country's future with him. What if this scandal was uncovered before Obama was eleceted? This is a major question and I think that Obama would not have won Presidency becuase the Republicans would have used this against him and gotten more votes for McCain.

What is truelly crazy is that Blagojevich, despite his crimes, is still allowed to choose the next senate representative. Fox News writer writes in an article,, that "sixty-six percent of Illinois voters" think that there should be an election held that allows the people of illinois to vote for the next senator for the state.

I think that Obama is going to be faced with major difficulties in the future. People are already questioning his possible involvment in this scandal which means that he is already posing trust issues and he has not even technically "entered" office yet. Yikes!! I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens...

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