Monday, February 16, 2009

A Word With A Misunderstood Depth
I found this article on the use of the "N" word. The author, Paul Shepard is arguing that the word should NOT be sensored from the t.v. show because it adds much-needed humor. Shepard agrees that in certain situations, the use of the word can be inappropriate and can cause controversy but, that the way it is used in the t.v. series, "Sanford And Son" is okay. The characters in the t.v. show are black and, to be honest, I find it almost annoying that its okay for them to use it but if a white person were to use it, it would be completely wrong.

I have a very close friend who is African American and we were listening to a song by an African American rapper who used the "N" word. When I asked my friend to tell me why its okay for the singer to use it and not white people, he said that he could not really explain it to someone like me. I cannot remember exactly what he said word for word so, therefore, I cannot quote him but in short, this is essentially his point: Its about respect. It could be really offensive if a white person were to say it even in a black person's presence, but if someone of color/someone who has been through enough in their life to understand the depth of the word, then it is okay if it is used because it is a sign of respect and understanding but other than that, it is a word that is inappropriate and very hurtful.

I find it crazy that a single word in our vocabulary has so much history behind it and so much pain and hurt that goes along with it. But on one hand, I think that the fact that it is being sensored from television is a good thing. It shows that there is recognition that the word has a lot of bad potential. The t.v. station who chose to sensor it made a good decision and their sensitivity to the use of the "N" word is hopefully going to help our society to stop racism. On the other hand, I believe that we cannot just forget that the word even exists because it represents a major part of this country's history that should never be forgotten so that it is never repeated.

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